The Ironopolis City Airship Towers
“Now, this is an interesting scene, showing the Escort Carrier ‘HMA Enterprise’ floating over the Dorman-Bolckow Airship Towers near Ironopolis City in August 1911, and prior to the opening of the Ironopolis World Fair by King George V later that month.
The reason it is so interesting is, of course, the part that airship played in the Smog-Zombie outbreak, and which is now seen as a major contributing factor to the opening of the Great War. As every schoolchild knows, Enterprise’ valiant crew helped restore enough order to thwart the Black Stone’s dastardly plans.
As an aside, if you look carefully at the background, you will see the RMA Titanic on her weekly run from Ironopolis to Liverpool to New York prior to the disaster which overtook her. A grievous loss of life certainly, but nothing compared to the insanity that reigned across the Commonwealth’s capital for nearly a week. “